The poster’s awful, but I like Amy Schumer and I spent most of yesterday listening to my colleagues tell me this film was surprisingly good… so I had high hopes.

Perhaps if I was simply reviewing the film, I’d be gentler. I really wanted to like it and some of it was incredibly funny. But some of it was also very lazy.

I spent the entire film waiting for the gender punchline. It set up some great situations – the grotesquely laddy magazine she works for, her brother-in-law’s slut-shaming, the highly gendered sports industry, the scantily clad cheerleaders – and looked it might be about to, at any minute, pass some withering judgement on them.

But the judgement never came. Though we started out with a refreshingly sexual, unapologetically boozey heroine, we ended up with a recognisable rom-com cliche: the woman who signifies she’s changed her wanton ways for the seemingly perfect man she didn’t think she deserved by donning the highly feminised costume of the women she once mocked. In this case the costume is a cheerleader’s outfit rather than a wedding dress, but what’s the difference? The message of the film is that he was perfect, she was a “trainwreck”, and once she changed they could live happily ever after.

I keep looking at Amy Schumer’s name and thinking I must be missing something. Maybe I am. I hope I am. Because if there aren’t subtle, subversive things going on beneath this depressingly conventional narrative, then it’s a truly disappointing film.

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